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Dieses Thema hat 7 Antworten
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Arne Offline

Columbia Silber

Beiträge: 276

10.05.2010 10:48
R.I.P. Lena Horne Zitat · Antworten

Lena Horne ist gestern im Alter von 92 Jahren gestorben:

alfred Offline

Il Presidente

Beiträge: 20.556

10.05.2010 14:00
#2 RE: R.I.P. Lena Horne Zitat · Antworten

Gruß, Alfred


Bernhard Offline

It's Sinatra's World

Beiträge: 14.694

10.05.2010 17:45
#3 RE: R.I.P. Lena Horne Zitat · Antworten

"Alte Wege, die wir wandern, werden neue Wege sein,
unser Denkmal ist den andern dann ein Kilometerstein"

12.12.1915 - 14.5.1998

My Kind Of People!

Miner Offline

Reprise Bronze

Beiträge: 9.149

10.05.2010 17:57
#4 RE: R.I.P. Lena Horne Zitat · Antworten

Stolzes Alter - dennoch ein großer Verlust.


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Grab your coat and snatch your hat, leave your worries on the doorstep
Just direct your feet to the sunny side of the street


shicorp Offline

Member of the Year 2009

Beiträge: 3.397

10.05.2010 18:23
#5 RE: R.I.P. Lena Horne Zitat · Antworten

Wirklich schade! Eine der letzten großen Legenden! Erst am Wochenende habe ich sie in "Till The Clouds Roll By" gesehen.

Viele Grüße,

Stefan Huber

Ev'rytime we say goodbye,
I die a little

crooner Offline

Capitol Gold

Beiträge: 4.808

10.05.2010 19:22
#6 RE: R.I.P. Lena Horne Zitat · Antworten


Gib mir die Gelassenheit, Dinge hinzunehmen,
die ich nicht ändern kann, -
gib mir den Mut, Dinge zu ändern, die ich ändern kann, - und
gib mir die Weisheit, das eine vom anderen zu unterscheiden.

Friedrich Christoph Oetinger (1702 - 1782)

Michael Offline

Capitol Junior

Beiträge: 1.400

11.05.2010 11:49
#7 RE: R.I.P. Lena Horne Zitat · Antworten

Lena Horne: Last of the Goddesses (A Brief Memoir)

By WILL FRIEDWALD, Special to the Sun | May 10, 2010

Lena Horne walking into a room was like the sun coming out. I had that experience only once: in May 1998, she agreed to do a test session as a favor to two old friends. Bruce Lundvall, the head of Blue Note records (for whom she had done several albums), wanted to produce Horne in a duet with Tony Bennett in a track to be used as a movie title theme. The project ultimately never got any further than this one rehearsal, but it was an amazing thing to be there, one of many reasons for which I'll forever be grateful to Tony.

I arrived with Tony and Danny Bennett, his manager and son, and Bobby Tucker, who had been Billy Eckstine's pianist for many years and was then working with Tony. We got there first, and were waiting for Lena to arrive, when a curious thing happened. It was a comparatively small studio, with big windows on one side of the room, while on the other side there was just a piano and a blank wall. I was looking out the window, the sun was shining brightly, and I felt it on my face. Then, mysteriously, I suddenly felt the sunshine on the back of my head and my neck – as if I were lying down on the beach. How could this be, I wondered? There were no windows behind me — yet I felt the sun on my back as surely as I've ever felt anything in my life.

I turned around and there was this tiny little old lady. Even in civilian clothes, even at age 80, even just standing there, it was one of the most magical things I've ever felt — the woman had a genuine aura about her — she made her presence felt without so much as saying anything or even moving. I felt like I couldn't even look at her without putting on my sunglasses.

The other thing I remember about that session is that Horne and Mr. Bennett were asked to do “Singin’ in the Rain” together. When Bobby Tucker sat at the piano, he played the famous vamp to the song from the 1952 MGM musical. Although I was trying hard to stay out of the way, when he went into that intro, I couldn't help but interject, “Oh, the Roger Edens vamp.” At this point, Lena turned to me and glared: “No! It’s the Lennie Hayton vamp,” referring to her husband, who, was also a leading figure in the MGM music department.

I had interviewed Horne on the phone several times, both before and after this occasion, although this was the only time I was in the same room with her. When she died on Sunday night, I felt as if the last of the goddesses here on earth had returned to Mount Olympus.

Mr. Friedwald writes about jazz for The New York Sun.

"It bugs me when people try to analyze jazz as an intellectual theorem. It's not. It's feeling." - Bill Evans

marcusprost Offline

Reprise Silber

Beiträge: 10.086

12.05.2010 23:32
#8 RE: R.I.P. Lena Horne Zitat · Antworten


Thank you Frank....
Voice Of Our Time, A Voice For All Time
Francis Albert Sinatra 1915-1998

Heute beginnt der Rest Deines Lebens ... Jetzt oder nie - und nicht irgendwann.
Schau auf Dein Ziel. Kein Traum ist vergebens. Heut´ fängt die Zukunft an.


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