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Marc Offline

Reprise Junior

Beiträge: 7.022

10.12.2003 14:27
TOP 40 Albums - The USA TODAY Way Zitat · Antworten

Top 40 albums — the USA TODAY way
A great album functions as a self-contained universe. USA TODAY music critic Edna Gundersen salutes 40 that stand as cohesive bodies of work — not just fine collections of songs. Some guidelines have been applied to separate this from the many best-of lists. History's most frequent list-topper, The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club, has been excluded, as have live albums (James Brown's Live at the Apollo), formal concept albums (The Who's Tommy), soundtracks (Superfly, The Harder They Come) and greatest-hits sets. This top 40, listed chronologically, spans 50 years to cull works that made the album configuration such a success:

1. Frank Sinatra, In the Wee Small Hours (1954). The jazzy and melancholy collection of ballads arranged by Nelson Riddle focuses on a failed love affair and forms one of the earliest concept albums.

2.Miles Davis, Kind of Blue (1959). The iconic trumpeter rewrote the jazz rulebook with this liberating celebration of improv and mood. It's still a primer for both jazzbos and rockers.

3. Johnny Cash, Ride This Train (1960). Though not his best songs, the country growler's ruminations on America's railroad history prove intriguing.

4. The Beatles, Revolver (1966). Though less acknowledged, this psychedelic, adventurous predecessor to 1967's Sgt. Pepper is a superior work.

5. The Beach Boys, Pet Sounds (1966). Brian Wilson's intensely personal tour de force inspired The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper.

6. Jimi Hendrix, Are You Experienced? (1967). The guitar prodigy's inventive and cosmic psychedelia continues to influence new waves of rockers.

7. The Who, The Who Sell Out (1967). Potent power pop compensates for an unsteady commercialism concept replete with phony radio ads and jingles.

8. Aretha Franklin, I Never Loved a Man the Way I Love You (1967). Producer Jerry Wexler coaxed the previously muted fire from the Queen of Soul on this R&B masterpiece, the touchstone for diva wannabes.

9. Love, Forever Changes (1967). A stunning achievement in majestic folk-rock by Arthur Lee's underacknowledged cult band.

10. Van Morrison, Astral Weeks (1968). This rock monument actually draws from jazz, folk and blues to showcase Morrison's bewitching voice.

11. Dusty Springfield, Dusty in Memphis (1969). What started out as a simple batch of songs became a gold standard of blue-eyed soul, thanks to the alchemy between the British pop queen and visionary producer Jerry Wexler.

12. Marvin Gaye, What's Going On (1971). The soulster shattered Motown's pop formula with his powerful social commentary on race, war and the environment.

13. Sly and the Family Stone, There's a Riot Goin' On (1971). Cynicism and decadence seep into drug-hazed stories set in dense funk, a radical departure from the party vibe of Stand! two years earlier.

14. Joni Mitchell, Blue (1971). The singer exposes a fragile, battered heart in an exquisitely sad and lovely song cycle.

15. The Rolling Stones, Exile on Main St. (1972). The band's scrappy, ramshackle blues-rock manifesto foreshadowed grunge.

16. David Bowie, The Rise & Fall of Ziggy Stardust (1972). Bowie's androgynous extraterrestrial conveys the panic and paranoia of a coming apocalypse in glitzy, theatrical glam-rock with a heavy undertow.

17. Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon (1973). The seeds of madness that lurk in the dreary predictability of daily life are magnified by the band's foreboding melodies and lush textures.

18. Stevie Wonder, Innervisions (1973). The summit of the wunderkind's blend of funk-addled synth-pop and socially conscious lyrics.

19. Bob Marley, Catch a Fire (1973). Marley and his phenomenal band ushered reggae into the mainstream with this sunny and sexy island carousal.

20. Bob Dylan, Blood on the Tracks (1975). Dylan's failed marriage fueled pained and poignant songs that brought a new emotional depth to his legacy.

21. Patti Smith, Horses (1975). The punk poetess and her crack band blazed a new trail in this brazen hybrid of literary smarts and feral rock.

22. The Ramones, The Ramones (1976). A 29-minute explosion of bratty speedy unschooled punk knocked the wind out of art-rock.

23. Fleetwood Mac, Rumours (1977). Internal romantic tumult is grist for confessional pop-rock gems.

24. The Clash, London Calling (1979). The punk band's third album embodies the genre's thrilling fury and blind devotion to rock 'n' roll's revolutionary powers.

25. Michael Jackson, Thriller (1982). The Jackson 5 pipsqueak emerges as an unstoppable star on this mature, feisty and hit-laden pop set helmed by Quincy Jones.

26. Paul Simon, Graceland (1986). World music found a global stage with the former folkie's rich and exotically fanciful collaborations with such African talents as Ladysmith Black Mambazo.

27. Metallica, Master of Puppets (1986). The heavy-metal outfit explores the tyranny of drugs in whiplash rhythms and stinging guitars.

28. Prince, Sign O' the Times (1987). After winning fans over with seductive balladry and guitar sizzle, Prince pushes his own boundaries on a sprawling rock-soul soundscape dotted by searing messages and wild mood swings.

29. Bruce Springsteen, Tunnel of Love (1987). The Boss has executed concept marvels from Nebraska to The Rising, but Tunnel ranks as a personal best for its anguish and intimacy.

30. Guns 'N Roses, Appetite for Destruction (1987). Exquisite pain, uncorked rage and pure rebellion meet in a full metal racket of howler Axl Rose and the smoking Guns.

31. NWA, Straight Outta Compton (1988). Gangsta rap stormed through pop's delicate barricades with the divisive (Expletive)Tha Police and snarling diatribes about racism, injustice and murderous rage.

32. Public Enemy, Fear of a Black Planet (1990). The Bomb Squad production team's dazzling and intricately layered sonics provide a vibrant platform for Chuck D's seething but articulate raps.

33. Sinead O'Connor, I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got (1990). The stark cover of Prince's Nothing Compares 2 U pulled listeners into the startling confessions and brutal catharsis of a complicated singer whose gorgeous voice conveys vulnerability and defiance in equal measures.

34. Nirvana, Nevermind (1991). Smells Like Teen Spirit crashed the hair-band party and anointed Kurt Cobain the Elvis of the grunge movement.

35. R.E.M., Automatic for the People (1992). Eloquent examinations of death and loss are countered by graceful arrangements, soothing melodies and Michael Stipe's achingly beautiful vocals.

36. U2, Achtung Baby (1992). After the triumphant Joshua Tree, Rock's revered idealists detour into the darker realms of irony, decay and turmoil on accessible avant-garde rock tunes recorded in Berlin.

37. Nine Inch Nails, The Downward Spiral (1994). Trent Reznor's endlessly intriguing one-man show distills wide-ranging styles and mesmerizing sound effects into his singular brand of brooding computerized art-rock.

38. Radiohead, OK Computer (1997). Themes of alienation and dysfunction bubble up through the band's fearlessly experimental textures and Thom Yorke's astonishing vocal prowess.

39. Eminem, The Marshall Mathers LP (2000). Rap's superlative wordsmith blurs the line between autobiography and cartoons in hilarious and vulgar high-velocity rhymes.

40. Neil Young, Greendale (2003). The latest in Young's long series of daring concept albums spins a cinematic yarn about a small-town family coping with a murder.


Eine sehr gute Wahl! (Vor allem was Platz Nr. 1 betrifft! )


Those fingers in my hair
That sly come hither stare
That strips my conscience bare
It's witchcraft

alfred Offline

Il Presidente

Beiträge: 20.546

10.12.2003 14:29
#2 RE:TOP 40 Albums - The USA TODAY Way Zitat · Antworten

In Antwort auf:
1. Frank Sinatra, In the Wee Small Hours (1954).

Wußte gar nicht, daß die Amis so sensibel sind ...

Gruß, Alfred

akroniger Offline

Wizard of the Main Event

Beiträge: 7.655

10.12.2003 15:24
#3 RE:TOP 40 Albums - The USA TODAY Way Zitat · Antworten

Bernhard wird jetzt wahrscheinlich auf die (mögliche) Top 100 der brasilianischen Musikervereinigung hinweisen mit Platz 1 "Sinatra & Jobim"...

Rollingstone Magazin hat doch auch eine Top 500 oder so aufgestellt - müßte auf der Webseite zu finden sein - da ist das Ergebnis völlig anders.

Ich poste bei Gelegenheit die Top 100 Alben aus Kamp-Lintfort
"Who knows where the road will lead us - Only a fool would say"
Frank Sinatra - The Main Event

Dean Martin - Welcome to my world

crooner Offline

Capitol Gold

Beiträge: 4.807

10.12.2003 15:36
#4 RE:TOP 40 Albums - The USA TODAY Way Zitat · Antworten

Mensch, die Amis haben ja doch Geschmack!

alfred Offline

Il Presidente

Beiträge: 20.546

10.12.2003 15:37
#5 RE:TOP 40 Albums - The USA TODAY Way Zitat · Antworten

wie man an ihren Sakkos erkennen kann...

Gruß, Alfred

Christian Weiser Offline

Columbia Junior

Beiträge: 67

10.12.2003 16:42
#6 RE:TOP 40 Albums - The USA TODAY Way Zitat · Antworten

Man beachte aber, daß die Liste chronologisch geordnet ist und "In The Wee Small Hours" somit nicht den alleinigen Spitzenplatz einnimmt.

Trotzdem finde ich die Liste durchaus gelungen, mit zwei Einschränkungen:
1.) E. Gundersen hat sich offensichtlich im Großen und Ganzen auf auch kommerziell richtig erfolgreiche Alben beschränkt, wodurch natürlich einiges von vorneherein unter den Tisch fällt.
2.) Es fehlt ein Album von Elvis, v. a. "From Elvis In Memphis" und "Elvis Is Back" würden sich geradezu aufdrängen!

Viele Grüße


P.S. Marc, Du bist mir zuvorgekommen - hatte auch überlegt, diese Liste zu posten.

Bernhard Offline

It's Sinatra's World

Beiträge: 14.691

15.12.2003 10:07
#7 RE:TOP 40 Albums - The USA TODAY Way Zitat · Antworten

***Bernhard wird jetzt wahrscheinlich auf die (mögliche) Top 100 der brasilianischen Musikervereinigung hinweisen mit Platz 1 "Sinatra & Jobim"...***

Nee, ich verweise aber auf die Top 100 des Ortsteils Hundstadt der Gemeinde Grävenwiesbach, und in Hundstadt (ja diesen Ort gibt es wirklich!) besteht kein Zweifel daran, daß "Mama Will Bark", obwohl kein Album, nur die #1 sein kann.

Ich fand die Liste auch interessant, wenngleich man bedenken muß, daß sie nur von einer einzigen (wenngleich sehr renommierten) Person stammt, also insgesamt wenig mehr als eine (obschon gut begründete) Einzelmeinung darstellt. Schlimm ist die falsche Jahreszahl "1954" (statt 1955), die nicht unbedingt dafür spricht, daß sich die Autorin gut auskennt... ebenso erscheint mir der Schwerpunkt auf Alben der späten 60er und danach arg gekünstelt. (Was aber normal ist - "neueres" ist immer eher präsent als "älteres"). Natürlich fehlt ein Album von Elvis, da stimme ich Christian zu.

Der Spitzenplatz für "Wee Small Hours" ist allerdings im Prinzip durchaus repräsentativ, nicht nur in Amerika gilt dieses Album bei Fans, Kritikern und Berufsmusikern als Sinatras Bestes, und nicht umsonst gelangte dieses Sinatra-Album als erstes in die Hall of Fame. Im derzeitigen Wintersemester finden an 28 Universitäten in Amerika im Fach Musik Seminare statt, die sich ausschließlich mit "Wee Small Hours" beschäftigen, und in den Curricula deutscher Musikhochschulen ist das Album auch meist unter dem "Hör-Lernstoff" vertreten.

12.12.1915 - 14.5.1998
My Kind Of People!

marcusprost Offline

Reprise Silber

Beiträge: 10.085

15.12.2003 12:19
#8 RE:TOP 40 Albums - The USA TODAY Way Zitat · Antworten

Wie Bernhard schon sagte, das ist nur eine Liste einer Einzelperson.

Für mich ist sie nicht nachvollziehbar. Vor allem verstehe ich nicht, warum nur ein einziges Sinatra-Album unter den genannten Titeln ist.



Thank you Frank....
Voice Of Our Time, A Voice For All Time
Francis Albert Sinatra 1915-1998


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